Due to no demand at all, and a desire to actually start a blog that I might actually post more than twice on, I thought id do a blog to chart the progress of my little Welsh Victorian terrace house, who’s number is 11!
I’m into my photography, and have super limited experience of photographing interiors, so sorry for the ropey photos, hopefully ill improve in time! Talking of photos, photos on here are either from my trusty N95 phone, or from my Canon 20D SLR.
A little history I hear you cry? Well, I moved into Number 11 in May this year, so I’ve been there four months now. It’s a little terrace house, who was built in 1890 and was originally used to house miners who worked in the nearby colliery. It has a floor area of 60m2 (560ft2 in old money) has 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, a lounge diner and a garden.
The house as I bought it needed work, nothing major, but just tidying up. Obviously I wanted/want to decorate all of the rooms and hallways and landing. I’ve gone for a cosy/contemporary/Scandinavian look throughout the whole house and have gambled on certain things paying off in terms of design, not all of them working! I cant claim all credit for design touches in the house, luckily my partner, Vickie, is a dab hand at knowing what looks good and what doesn’t, so we sort of make a good team with all things decorating!
I had no clue how to even wire in a new light when I moved in, so it has been a MASSIVE learning curve for me so far, I’m getting good now, I can install all manner of things and can build and erect (ooo eerrr) everything and anything, well almost everything, we shall leave putting down new flooring for the minute.
Anyways, I don’t want to bore you with loads of info, but please keep checking back and please comment on stuff, even if its things I can improve, that would be most ace, as this whole interior designing thing is new to me!
Hopefully ill migrate this blog onto a non freebee one if i actually put the effort in to plug away at it...any encouragement would be great!
Here is my little street, my house is the second door on the left :)

The kitchen, drab, dirty and unloved, no baking of cakes quite yet! :)

I didnt even bother to take photos of upstairs as soon as i moved in, i dont know why, i dont think i wanted to record the carnage that was lurking up there!
So that's how it was when i moved in, didnt take long though to start the long and hard work to get it looking nice an lovely.
Also, i'm sorry the layout is a bit all over the place with this post, i'm finding it disturbing that i have uneven line breaks everywhere etc, its the graphic designer in me, it could be worse, it could have defaulted to Comic Sans MS! HELP!
1 comment:
You got off to such a good start, get back to this blog! I've been having so much fun looking at your before/after pics on flickr today.
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